




yaojing1 +好友
分享 寂寞的迷失
寂寞的迷失 冬夜漫漫,但我们丝毫也顾及不到它的寒冷与漫长。而我依旧分不清是我的孤寂感染了夜,还是夜的深沉扰乱了我的心……2010年1月6日,天仍然这么黑、夜依旧这么凉,车间内的机器依然不停地运转着、轰鸣着,他们消耗着大量的电力、和着一成不变的喘息,在继续着他们的使命。我曾经是那么的憎恶这些机器喷发出的热浪 ...
2010-7-3 11:50 359 次阅读0 个评论
分享 情谊真执
情谊真执 夜,依旧寂静,甚至有些冷漠,也许他早已经看腻了人世间的悲欢离合,甚至是不平的罪恶,所以才能那样的潇洒,但是有谁能想到在这黑沉沉的地上,有一个人在哭泣,他的心如急流一样汹涌,他痛苦地思索着,矛盾地斗挣着,他徘徊着,有一种从来没有过的孤独和绝望,他仿佛觉得自己像夜晚的一盏孤灯;铺天盖地的,黑暗包 ...
2010-7-3 11:48 362 次阅读0 个评论
分享 暗香
暗香 也不知道从哪天起,日渐模糊的大学同学开始渐渐地联络起来,学友间串联的速度是惊人地快,短短几天功夫,消逝十几年的五湖四海的同学一下子济济一堂地团聚在校友录的班级网站上。我轻快地加入到班集体中,同学还真不少,熟悉的陌生的名字让人一下子回到了青春年少,兴奋溢满了心间,暗香的诱惑抵挡不住思念的弥漫,虽 ...
2010-7-3 11:46 283 次阅读0 个评论
分享 He noted
He noted The bay, as he remembered it, was magnificent, with water deep enough to accommodate the largest vessel afloat, and so safe that the South Pacific Directory recommended it to the best careening place for ships for hundreds of miles around. He would buy a schooner - one of those yacht-like, ...
2010-7-3 11:44 528 次阅读0 个评论
分享 The railway
The railway The rash exploit had been accomplished; and for an hour Passepartout laughed gaily at his success. Sir Francis pressed the worthy fellow's hand, and his master said, `Well done!' which, from him, was high commendation; to which Passepartout replied that all the credit of the affair belo ...
2010-7-3 11:41 438 次阅读0 个评论
分享 Night came
Night came This voyage of eight hundred miles was a perilous venture, on a craft of twenty tons, and at that season of the year. The Chinese seas are usually boisterous, subject to terrible gales of wind, and especially during the equinoxes; and it was now early November. It would clearly have been ...
2010-7-3 11:39 481 次阅读0 个评论
分享 One thing troubled
One thing troubled I was now the second personage in the Kingdom, as far as political power and authorty were concerned, much was made of me. My raiment was of silks and velvets and cloth of gold, and by consequence was very showy, also uncomfortable. But habit would soon reconcile me to my clothes; ...
2010-7-3 11:37 344 次阅读0 个评论
分享 A young girl
A young girl He shone very well in this latter office. He was a wise and humane judge, and he clearly did his honest best and fairest, -- according to his lights. That is a large reservation. His lights -- I mean his rearing -- often colored his decisions. Whenever there was a dispute between a nob ...
2010-7-3 09:31 306 次阅读0 个评论
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